Sep 1Liked by Helene Elliott

My husband had a great suggestion after he and I mourned this terrible tragedy. The NHL could use this as an opportunity. Make it the Gaudreau memorial reminder. Every third period in every building make a public service announcement. Simple-“if you enjoyed alcohol this evening, please avoid driving. “ they could have it sponsored by Uber or Lyft. Show the brothers. Hockey fans will understand. Let this loss help others.

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Sounds good in theory. But many teams have liquor or beer companies as sponsors—might those sponsors object to that kind of announcement?

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Maybe they be a part of it-“drink responsibly “ I think I’ve seen ads by beer companies before like this.

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Sep 1Liked by Helene Elliott

Spot on Helene. It won't change one person. They people who it might affect won't read this.

I understand this loss to my core. My 17 year old brother, who just graduated from High School and was headed to the Air Force Academy, was killed when a drunk driver crossed the center divider and the result head only collision was devastating. My brother's girlfriend was bleeding from superficial cuts. My brother got out if the car, sat on the curb while the paramedics treated her first. My brother then died on that curb from massive crush injuries in his chest. This was 1969, no shoulder belt or airbags. There was probably nothing that could have been done to save him.

I was then T-boned on Easter Sunday 1981, by a drunk and stoned driver running a red light at 85 mph. He got away with a cut lip. I ended up unconscious for hours, my car hit so hard, it took out a light pole and a telephone pole. I had two torn ligaments in my knees, 9 teeth broken off, and 8 more with micro fractures, a grade 3 concussion and a head wound that needed 49 stitches. This accident continues to affect me to this day.

I don't mean to take over your story. But I am as outraged as you. I should have died on that Sunday in 1981. That man needs to be in prison for life. If there were harsher penalties, he deserves it.

But if enough people, hear stories like the Gaudreau's and to a lesser extent mine. Maybe just maybe one person will think about getting behind the wheel drunk. That will be something good. Nothing can cure the heartbreak the Gaudreau family is suffering. Hopefully his legacy will give the young ones a chance to forgive. My mom was never quite the same after she lost my brother.

Please, continue on the important things you do. It means so much to me and others who have felt loss like this.

Godspeed to the Gaudreaus.

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So sorry you have had to suffer the consequences of drunk drivers’ reprehensible behavior. Nothing can undo the pain that you and the Gaudreau family have had to face.

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Sep 1Liked by Helene Elliott

Beautifully written and the exactly correct combination of outrage and heartbreak. Helene, you speak for all of us.

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Sep 3Liked by Helene Elliott

Lili and I always appreciate the thoughtful and honest writer (and person) that you are, Helene...Thank-you. I'm going to focus on Hope.

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Thank you for this.

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Too sad an event to even put into words.

Helene…. You summed it up perfectly!

Hopefully he’ll spend the rest of his days in jail.

RIP… gone too soon

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